The year just ended and we now welcome 2010. Gymrats now fill up every space in the gym to drop the unwanted weight gained in celebrating the long Christmas break. But more important than that, they are preparing their bikini bodies for the summer and they have 3 months of long and hard work just achieve the perfect summer look.
The sun, the heat, the beach----SUBIC!
Enjoy subic this summer. And just like preparing to look gorgeous this summer, might as well prepare the trip to your favorite summer getaway. We thought that while you were trying to get lighter, we might as well offer something lighter. Enjoy Subic on a much lighter payment option. We are offering lighter payment options so your weight loss does not come out of your pocket.
Enjoy Subic with our lighter payment treat. Six(6) weekly payment treats that is sure to make it affordable for you to enjoy your summer vacation.
Weekday rates: Pay only PHP 1,533.33 for six weeks for a 3D/2N stay*
Weekend rates: Pay only PHP 1,866.67 for six weeks for a 3D/2N stay*
*Promo rate applicable to groups of 6-8 people. Promo from January 1 to Feb 15, 2011. Different rates apply to larger groups. Kindly email us at for additional promo inquiries.